I dropped the 454 block w/ 4 speed on the frame. I needed to do this to confirm that the clutch pivot bracket was in the exact correct spot. Notice that I have to use the bolt on pivot ball bracket from Scoggins-Dickey since the Gen V Big Blocks have no boss for the pivot ball. Everything lines up perfectly!
Left side A-Arms and spindle in place.
Rear view of bare frame
The frame back under the body. Can't wait until the body is back on the frame!!
Prepping the block/trans to drop on the frame:
Both sets of A-Arms, Spindles, Spreader Bar and Discs in place.
Starting out with the bare frame
Block bolted to the frame:
Z-Bar in place. Both pivot brackets line perfectly.
Now that the frame welding is complete, I installed the suspension as a mock up to make sure nothing else needs welding or altered before I coat the frame.
Differential Cross-member needs to be pulled up into place
before I can continue with the rear suspension.
Other than two small spots under the frame that needed a little grinding, there has not been any parts alignment issues.