This is the shop where my brothers and I ran a business for about three years in the mid 1970's.  It was called, Overton Brothers Custom Body and Paint.  We had a good clientele, but the reason we went out of business is we put our personal cars before the customers.  We were young and dumb.  That is Johnny's orange '69 Camaro just to the right of the parking lot.  The three bay part of the building is the main shop, the paint booth is the two door building on the right.  We painted a lot of custom jobs in that booth, lots of flames and stripes. along with complete paint jobs. I painted my '68 Camaro three times in that booth. :)

Site hits since July 2002

Here is a video I edited for work. 

This is in celebration of 30 years of Shuttle Flights.
Hope you enjoy it!

I set up the tech to connect to the ISS for Boeing.  At the time we were not sure if the connection will go through since our dry runs were not successful.  This was a highlight for me since in my career, I have uplinked to all the continents on Earth except Antartica.  Now I have uplinked to the ISS in Low Earth Orbit

Site updated: 24 September 2024

I edited this short video for work. 

It is a tour of the International Space Station. 

I had a lot of fun creating this video.

This is a video I put together for work. I found the footage and music from the NASA YouTube Channel

After 16 years, the body is finally back on the frame!!

I still have a long ways to go and lots of parts to buy and install before completion, but this milestone of the body back on the frame is a huge step forward for me. 

Here is a link to the Body Drop page.

Free counters!

Meet Axle Grease !

We got Axle on 18 November 2017.  He is the new Garage Dog.  He looks like he will take his job serious.  We think he will be a big dog since his feet are large and he is big for being 10 weeks old.  We have really fallen in love with Axle and look forward to many years with him.  He is really growing fast. 

Link on Amazon:

Big Dog Garage

I added a new page called "Driveway Stories"   From time to time I write about observations I have about the world around me. I do not pretend to be a proficient writer, but I do enjoy putting what I see into words.  I have friends who stop by to see what I am working on or tell me about what they are working on.  We end up telling each other our latest stories while standing in the driveway.  I will add to this page when I do write something.  Hope you enjoy this page as much as I do creating it. 

Here is a link:  Driveway Stories

When I was 10 years old I saw the movie Chitty Chitty Bang Bang in the theater. After that movie my life was set in a direction that still influences me today. The character that Dick Van Dyke played, took an old beat up race car into the garage and a few days later he brought out a magnificent custom car. That gave me the idea that if he could do that so can I. Well, not to build a car that can fly, that would be cool, but transforming an old beat up car into something new. Breathing new life into an old car.

One afternoon I was chilling in front of the TV watching one of the car shows on Motor Trend TV and one of the car builders said basically the same thing. That movie had a profound affect on him too and made him into what he does today.

I find it interesting that something like a movie can influence someone's life and make them into the person they are today. That guy made a career of that, I just have the passion and build my own projects.

In honor of my faithful companion Annie, I named this site after her.
We called her 'Big Dog'. She was a good friend and ferocious guard dog.

Through the grace of God and talents of my heroes at MD Anderson in Houston, I conquered kidney cancer.  I now understand real thankfulness as each one of us should. I see every new day as a gift from God, every sunrise, sunset, even the very breath we take.