I got the sub-frame pulled out. Not as difficult as it sounds. While I have it out I will replace the two control arm bushings and clean up the frame.
Up on the jack stands. I made sure the car is solid on the stands for safety sake.
The actual replacement of the clutch and re-assembly is documented in this Youtube video. I studied this many times while I worked through this project. Lots of good and accurate information.
When torquing the new flywheel I used what I could find to hold the flywheel from spinning. This is a sway bar clip from a Jeep XJ I parted out a few years ago. The holes lined up perfectly for the bell housing bolt and the dowel on the flywheel for the pressure plate.
I always know where I left my safety glasses I wear while working in the garage.
Fink take good care of them while I am away.
I ended up running too close to the deadline to get the Mini back on the road since Will needed to drive it back to Baylor. I did not take any more pictures of the rest of the project. Installing everything is basically the reverse of disassembling. It was not difficult, just time consuming for me. I am glad I did this because it saved us a lot of labor money that a dealer or shop would charge. If I had to do it again, I would designate more time to work this.
I had to use a turkey baster to measure the precise amount of oil to put into the Super Charger.
Looking into the bell housing of the six speed. No oil inside so that is a good sign the rear main seal is still good. I did replace the rear main seal as well as the transmission input shaft seal as a precaution.
While I had everything torn down for the clutch install I decided to replace the oil in the Super Charger and replace the water pump
Hot day to start work, but I am use to the heat.
Will's 2006 Mini Cooper S needs the clutch replaced. The clutch has started to slip in 5th and 6th gear when on the highway. He could probably drive it for a few more hundred miles, but he goes back to Baylor in a few weeks. So instead of waiting until it fails all together, he and I will replace it now. I bought the Valeo Clutch kit from Detroit Tuner. It is not a factory replacement but an upgrade to a single surface flywheel, clutch and pressure plate. I will update this page as we progress with pictures to show how we did this repair.
In the Texas August heat, I took a lot of breaks. This was my point of view during most breaks.
Will pulling out of the driveway to go to Baylor. I talked with him after he got there and he said the Mini ran flawlessly. I feel like we really accomplished something after all the work we did.
Since it is so hot here in the Texas Gulf Coast, I can only work a few hours in the late day. I water blasted the sub-frame to clean it up. I also pulled the two most difficult bolt on the bell housing, the top two. I knew going into this project that those two bolts would be the biggest challenge. As they say, working a project like this is a 20/80 thing; 20 percent of the bolts will take 80 percent of your time. I did not get any pictures of pulling the two bellhousing bolts but here is a shot of the sub frameafter cleaning it.
The engine support bar in place with a chain connected to the shackle, the transmission can be pulled free.
In order to pull the transmission out, I had to support the engine. I made a engine lifting bracket from a scrap piece of metal I had in the garage. I bolted it to the right side of the head and added a shackle.
I am setting the Mini up on the side of the garage in front of the '53 Chevy Wagon to do the work.
If you are not bleeding, you are not wrenching. I was not sure where the cut was I just saw blood on one of my wrenches. It stopped bleeding after a while.
Clutch, pressure plate flywheel and throw out bearing. All looks worn out with heat spots on the flywheel. The throw out bearing fell apart when I pulled it out.
This is the Super Charger oil I used. The front chamber took 4.9 ounces and rear chamber took 1.4 ounces.
The transmission is now out
First day stopping point. I am about 1/3 into the tear down. So far everything is going well.
The biggest help for me is this youtube video.