My family took several vacations driving through Mexico when I was young.  I have a lot of good memories of those trips.  One morning, we stopped to fuel up the car and grab some snacks.  When I got out of the car, the first thing I saw was a wooden dog house with a stake with a chain attached, which went inside the dog house.  There was a water and food bowl near the door.  As my family entered the store, I went over to say hi to the dog.  When I got close, I saw that it was not a dog, but a big cat.  My heart melts for cats too, so I reached to pet the big kitty.  It growled like a lion – I jumped back.  I had never heard a pet cat growl like that before.

I went inside the store and asked about their cat outside. The guy behind the counter said that was his guard cat, a Lynx. The cat roams inside the store at night and will take care of anyone who breaks in. In the mornings, they feed him and chain him outside. He said this Lynx lives a good, well-fed life and only likes his owners. Don’t pet him.